Spinning for salmon is probably the virtually commonly used salmon line-fishing method in the Great britain. Dissimilar fly fishing, which requires a lot of patience, timing and skill to perfect a well presented fly accurately on the water, spinning is a much easier method to learn. Withal, don't let it's quick learning bend dismiss it's fish catching power, just like fly fishing, presenting a lure in the right place at the correct time is just equally vital equally it is angling the fly.

If annihilation, spinning volition permit you lot to fish more effectively and quicker. In this article, we will be breaking downwards the fishing tackle required for spinning equally well equally how to fish a lure effectively through a pool.

lure caught salmon

Fishing Tackle

Like any line-fishing tackle, a well balanced outfit volition not but optimise your casting performance only will provide you with the confidence to fish.

Spinning Rod

When information technology comes to spinning rods, at that place is a multitude of pick out at that place for the gorging lure angler, so where do yous begin? Commencement off, nosotros need to establish the rivers that y'all will exist fishing, are they big or small? Are they deep? Fast flowing?

Answering these questions, will help decide on the perfect tool for the chore.

And so how do yous decide? Well, follow our guidelines beneath to help you make a determination.

Daiwa Whisker Spinning Rod

If you lot're fishing a large, deep and heavy flowing river, like the river Tay for example, you desire a longer rod , with a fast activity. The longer rod volition provide you the length to make long and accurate casts but as well allow y'all to choice upward the line quickly if yous have to strike at altitude. The fast activity provides you with a rod that can aid increase casting distance every bit the blank recovers a lot quicker and it also provides you with a rod that has plenty of courage to bully fish in harder flowing water.

If yous were to use a shorter rod with a more progressive/softer action, you would find the rod would exist under-gunned. The shorter rod would limit your casting distance and the more progressive activeness would feel like you were non in command during the fight.

Don't dismiss shorter rods though, shorter rods come into their ain on smaller river systems. They provide better casting accuracy and are easier managed if some pools are overgrown with vegetation and manoeuvrability is limited.

In regards to rod length for larger rivers, nosotros would recommend rods in the 10' to 11' length and rods for smaller rivers, we would opt for a betwixt 8-9' in length.

So now, we take a improve understanding of the rod length that nosotros require, what about the rod action that we touched upon earlier. The rod's activity is determined by how far the rod bends over from the tip center. You tin check out more on rod actions hither.

Nosotros would opt for a moderate fast to fast action rod depending on the mainline that y'all determine to utilize. We will bear upon on this later in the article.

The other variable you have to consider is the casting weight of the rod. The near common casting weight of a salmon spinning rod is betwixt 10-50 grams. The casting weight determines the rod's lure weight casting capabilities. In this example, lures from 10-50 grams will be fine to cast on our instance.

The casting weight should be adamant past the weight of the lures that you are looking to fish.

Click here to view our full range of spinning rods.

Angling Reel

Speak to whatever seasoned salmon angler and they will probably highlight the Shimano baitrunner every bit the go-to spinning reel for salmon. This data was accurate and valuable back in the ninety'due south when quality and reliable spinning reels that could hold up to the rigours of salmon line-fishing were not readily available.

However, with the advances in reel technology, this is far from authentic in modern times. Modern front drag spinning reels offering increased drag pressures, higher gear ratios and lighter trunk materials to name simply a few advances.

All these changes have been scrutinised by reel manufacturers to help aid performance, comfort and conviction in anglers. The iconic baitrunner is now an outdated and heavyweight alternative that just has its identify in the bait line-fishing/ledgering globe of fishing of which it was originally designed for.


The size of the fishing reel will exist adamant by the rod that you lot choose and the rivers that you fish. Yous want to ensure that the reel is balanced with your spinning rod that yous're using to ensure you optimise the full potential of the spinning rod outfit.

To ensure that you have chosen the correct reel for the task, here are some full general tips, to go along you lot correct.

A 10-11' spinning rod, opt for a 4000 size spinning reel.

A viii-9' spinning rod, opt for a 3000 size spinning reel.

Click here to view our full range of spinning reels.


There are many choices of mainlines on the marketplace. The most common 2 are monofilament and braid , both of which have their pros and cons. We believe choosing a mainline is a personal choice. Anglers accept their ain preference when it comes to how a line handles and feels, especially how they react whilst nether tension.

daiwa j braid x8

For u.s.a., we like a braided mainline for all of our lure angling needs. The benefits outweigh the cons. Braid has a amend diameter to breaking strain ratio, meaning that you lot tin can however fish with a heavy breaking strain line whilst withal maintaining a low line diameter which volition aid in cutting through the water and reducing line drag. This coupled with the depression stretch properties of a braided mainline means that y'all are always in contact with your lure.

The lack of stretch also transmits every crash-land or bite downwardly the line, meaning yous can feel the subtlest of takes and also provide positive hook holds during the strike.

High visibility braided lines give y'all visual indication of slack line takes (when the fish takes the lure but is moving towards the bank that y'all are fishing from) and will reduce the possibilities of deep hooking fish.

This can exist overlooked using a monofilament line as the color of mono is commonly of a neutral colour and is difficult to run across in any light conditions. The only downside to complect is its low stretch properties when playing any sort of salmonid species, the lack of stretch means there is no room for error during the fight. Since complect is not forgiving as monofilament, inexperienced anglers may find the odd lost fish.

Daiwa sensor monofilament

Monofilament provides a more forgiving line and tin can absorb those shut quarter lunges that we all cringe at due to the increased chances of a hook pull. Monofilament can also behave slightly better on the spool. Newcomers can feel wind knots, if spools are overfilled and the line is not managed by mitt during and after the bandage.

Monofilament has improve abrasion resistance, which can be benign whilst line-fishing effectually rocks and ribble.

Click here to view our total range of braid & mono.

How to fish a pool effectively

If you fish a pool efficiently, you tin walk away knowing that you accept covered every inch of water. The most constructive way to do this, is to visualise the pool broken up in a filigree like pattern. Then starting from the left or correct hand side, outset casting in a fan like motion. Start off with brusque casts, covering the h2o in front end of you in the margins and gradually work around in the fan shape.

Casting in a grid

Once this is completed, bandage slightly further out and continue the process over again until yous accept completed the furthest casts possible. Depending on the flow and depth of the puddle, ensure you comprehend various depths by counting downwards the lure. Inquire bailiffs for depths, they are a plethora of knowledge and this will besides reduce the chances of you snagging and losing lures likewise. Heavier lures will sink deeper faster, allowing you to go your lure down in deep pools while lighter lures will fish most the surface allowing you to effectively cover shallow h2o runs.

Click here to view our total range of lures and spinners.

Rod bending

I thing we have seen in the past, is anglers that cast out and keep the rod at the one angle whilst retrieving the lure. This usually results in the line sitting to a 90 caste angle from the rod tip at the cease of the call back.

In doing and so will reduce your chances of not only hooking upward due to the angle just as well lost fish.

Think about it, when a fish hits your lure, this is transmitted directly down the line. If the rod is angled, the take has to transmit through the rod tip earlier y'all are made aware of the take. That delay is plenty time for a fish to hit a lure and then spit it out before you lot have a chance to react. Not only that, the power from a vertical strike from a 90 degree bending is dampened significantly every bit the rod has to travel a off-white distance to choice the line.

When retrieving a lure in flowing water, your rod tip should be pointing in the management of your lure. Following the lure with the current will ensure you have direct contact with the lure at all times. Any takes will exist transmitted directly down the line to the spool providing amend bite detection, no matter what line yous are using.


Similar whatever course of line-fishing, yous want to ensure your targeting fish holding features. Salmon will lie in slower water areas to rest on their journeying upwards the river especially afterwards tackling free energy sapping obstacles like waterfalls or fast flowing stretches. Targeting these areas will be the key to your success.

These features also provide sanctuary from predators from in a higher place and below the waterline.

Below, we list a few likely fish holding areas and how to target them.



These features displace flowing water and create a small-scale bed of calm h2o directly behind the boulder. Expect to target the sides of the bedrock in the slightly faster flowing water to encourage fish to push out from behind the lie. Once hooked upward, use solid pressure initially to effort and pull the salmon away from the bedrock to eliminate the chances of losing the fish.

Sunken Trees

Sunken copse can slow and break down the flow of water likewise every bit provide cover from predators. Effort and cast as close to these as possible and work the full length or width of the construction to ensure yous cover all possible areas fish may be lying in.

Pool Tails

The tail of the pool mostly sees salmon resting after battling upward tough obstacles, such as waterfalls or rapids. These areas are swell for targeting, work the width of the puddle tail.


I of the best features for any fish species. The margins on rivers offer an array of features from cut abroad under banks to steep driblet offs. In that location is usually one side of a river that will have the advantage of a deeper gully or slower moving water that tin provide the perfect salmon lay.


Hopefully later reading this article, you will take a amend understanding of; the tackle required for spinning for salmon and how to target fish holding features. Following our guidelines will ensure y'all take a well balanced outfit that volition aid you tackle the rex of the river.

If you are looking for salmon lure recommendations, make sure you check out our "Best Salmon Lures" article, here.